I've collected quite a few original manuals and documentation through the purchase of vintage electronics and other paraphernalia. It's quite exciting when you realise that the owner has kept all the documentation that originally came with the item - more so when it's something, say, 30, 40 or 50 years old.
Amongst these, you sometimes get registration and contact forms, intended to be returned by post to the vendor or manufacturer in order to request further information and services.
The problem is, most of these companies no longer exist. The Mayfair Sound Products Inc., Argus Incorporated, Technical & Optical Equipment (London) Ltd., not to mention Commodore and their dedicated "Commodore Customer Care" are long gone.
But the forms remain - never filled in or posted. All the promises they contain; of further information, warranties, free newsletters, promotions, etc, can never be fulfilled.
They now constitute a collection of unfulfilled promises.
They now constitute a collection of unfulfilled promises.